a very tired white cat


Hello, world.
I usually only do carrds for characters because I’m a big ol’ nerd, but here’s one of those “BYF” things that are so popular with the kids. Speaking of which, if you’re under 18 don’t follow me—reason being is I interact with a number of adult content creators on various platforms.
Yup, nerd and a perv here.


Funny thing, I’m too disabled to hold down a full time job these days (worked 15 years before that), but I write stories and make games as a hobby when I’m not in too much pain. I’ll update this with relevant links later.
I’ll probably forget.


tl;dr: I’m a fandom old/don’t be an asshole.I am a furry. My fursona is a glitched white cat named Error, or Err (rhymes with air) for short. Like the devil, I have many names. Cat, Sloane, Bec—I don’t care which you use. I am genderfluid, ace, and bi. My pronouns are whatever I feel like at the moment, but I’ll answer to any of the classic personal ones (he, she, they, and it if I’m feeling saucy).I am over 40. Yes, I am too old for this shit. I also have a number of severe disabilities including cerebral palsy and epilepsy (no, sending me flashing images won’t trigger it), so I no am often tired, in pain, and just don’t fucking care about how cringe I am anymore. Thus this rambling carrd, because I’m tired of repeating it.Now for the important stuff:I don’t tolerate zoos, nazis, pedos, terfs, or arbitrarily labeling people you don’t like those things when there are plenty who proudly identify as such that you really need to avoid and/or report.If you feel space in the queer community is finite or like to police whatever labels LGBTQ+ folk can or can’t use, kindly please fuck off right now. Apparently this makes me a radical inclusionist? Okay, whatever, sounds about as absurd as “the radical left.”Lastly, for you fandom types: if you’re more concerned about the abuse of imaginary people (read: your fictional favs) than real ones, we’re not going to get along. Instead of arguing about fictional abuse, you can potentially help real world victims right now by clicking here.Thank you, please use your best discretion when following or blocking me, and [insert your favorite trite saying here].


You can, however, give me money for my troubles—of which there are many.
